Area 4 SCD Cooperative Research Farm
Over thirty five years of conservation research for family farmers of the northern Great Plains
In cooperation with the scientists of the USDA-ARS Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory
North Dakota Area IV Soil Conservation Districts
Friends & Neighbors Day is scheduled for July 20, 2023. Come join us for a wonderful day of exploring our location. Learn about new research, partake in tours, and enjoy meeting new people.

Due to the Pandemic, the event at the Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory was last held July 18, 2019.
The annual free event, sponsored by the Area 4 SCD Cooperative Research Farm, allowed the public an opportunity to visit the beautiful USDA campus and learn about world-class Ag and environmental research in North Dakota. Throughout the afternoon, USDA employees offered presentations, tours, and a free afternoon-long barbecue.
The North Dakota Department of Agriculture hosted presentations on honey bees and other major topics of interest. The North Dakota Forest Service had walking & talking tree tours of the 107 year old campus trees. Morton and Burleigh County Extension provided a fun learning area for children of all ages.
Other USDA agencies (NRCS, Rural Development, etc.) hosted exhibits on their effort to support Agriculture and the economy.
Tours departed for the the Area 4 SCD Research Farm studies, drone use in agriculture, crop interseeding, remote sensing and other research areas throughout the afternoon.
For more information on the next event, please call 701.667.3001 or the website for the Northern Great Plains Research Lab.
See you all on July 20, 2023!
