Area 4 SCD Cooperative Research Farm
Over thirty five years of conservation research for family farmers of the northern Great Plains
In cooperation with the scientists of the USDA-ARS Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory
North Dakota Area IV Soil Conservation Districts
Crop Sequence Calculator
The Crop Sequence Calculator was developed from research at the Area 4 SCD Cooperative Research Farm. The USDA-ARS scientists at the Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory developed this user-friendly software to aid family farmers in eveluating management risks associated with different crop sequence options. Users may choose previous and intendced crops from pull-down menues to view research on crop yields, production economics, crop diseases, soil water changes, weeds, and impact on soil surface properties. Information on 16 crops are covered. Photographs of weeds and insects for identification, along with natural resource information are also included. The free software may be downloaded from http://www.ars.usda.gov/Main/docs.htm?docid+10791 or a disk may be requested. Over 15,000 free copies of this software have been distributed since its initial development.