Area 4 SCD Cooperative Research Farm
Over thirty five years of conservation research for family farmers of the northern Great Plains
In cooperation with the scientists of the USDA-ARS Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory
North Dakota Area IV Soil Conservation Districts
Join us for two upcoming events, which include the 2023 Grazing Summit and 2023 Farming & Ranching for the Bottom Line on March 1st & 2nd.
The events are free, yet you still need to register online. See flyers below.

Day one is hosted by the Burleigh & Morton SCDs, Menoken Farm, and the ND Grazing Coalition
Day two is hosted by the Burleigh & Morton SCDs, Menoken Farm, USDA, NDSU, Area IV Cooperative Research Farm, and Bismarck State College
Susan Samson-Liebig, USDA NRCS 701.530.2018
Renae Gress , NDSU Morton County Extension 701.667.3348
Beth Hill, North Dakota Forest Service
Jackie Buckley, Retired NDSU Extension Agent
Marco Davinic, Bismarck State College 701.224.5417
Blaine Shatz, NDSU Agricultural Experiment Stations
John Hendrickson, USDA Agricultural Research Service 701.667.3015
Dave Archer, USDA Agricultural Research Service, 701.667.3048
Chance Porsborg, Morton County SCD, 701.667.1163
Malissa McKee, Morton County SCD, 701.667.1163
Sandy Schwede, Burleigh County SCD, 701.250.4518
Darrell Oswald, Burleigh County SCD, 701.250.4518
Jaden Deckert, Burleigh County SCD, 701.250.4518
Seth Boechler, Burleigh County SCD, 701.250.4518
Chad Thorson, Burleigh County SCD, 701.250.4518
2022 Presentations:
Being updated
2021 Presentations:
Being updated
2020 Presentations:
Industry Perspective: Presented by Dr. Tom Rabaey, General Mills
Rain, Rust & Ruts: Is there a Silver Lining in 2019?: Presented by Dr. Mark Liebig
Links Between Land Management & Food Quality: What can Archives Samples Tell Us?: Presented by Dr. Andrea Clemensen
USDA Soil Health/Human Health Project: Presented by Dr. Mike Grusak
NDSU Agribiome Initiative: Presented by Dr. Gregory Lardy & Dr. John McEvoy
Building Soil Health Across ND: Innovative Producer Panel: Moderated by Dr. Abbey Wick
Let Food and Feed Be Our Medicine: Presented by Dr. Fred Provenza
Mending Broken Linkages: Soil, Plants, Herbivores, & Humans: Presented by Dr. Fred Provenza
What Makes People Do What They Do on Their Fames & Ranches: Presented by Dr. David Toledo
Perspective From Both Sides of the Desk: Presented by John Pfaff, Security First Bank
Weather Crystal Ball: Presented by Laura Edwards
Restorative Agriculture: A Farmer's Perspective: Presented by Greg Busch
2019 Presentations:
Bankers Perspective: https://vimeo.com/327775715/2dc907be2b
Couple Panel: https://vimeo.com/327774693/450cb4bda2
Dorito Effect: https://vimeo.com/326366155/3f93a82539
Planned Grazing: https://vimeo.com/326365016/2dce28740d
Bale Grazing: https://vimeo.com/325695576/41017e0391
Drought Conditions: https://vimeo.com/325526385/57fb1e93e2
Cover My Crops: https://vimeo.com/325498862/203e3354c1
Animal Behavior: https://vimeo.com/325498380/dfd90e4380
Livestock Handling: https://vimeo.com/325497834/8f091a3c11
2018 Presentations:
Crop and Livestock Prices - https://vimeo.com/262085278
Economics of Improved Soil Quality - https://vimeo.com/262084880/d8f86a2c49
Reflection of ND Agriculture - https://vimeo.com/262084937/6bd2ed82fc
Grazing Strategies in a Dry Year - https://vimeo.com/262085075/77a9a15b86
Crop Production in a Dry Year - https://vimeo.com/262085216/950933838a
Weather Crystal Ball - https://vimeo.com/262084712/cd06ee4486
Ag Lender Panel - https://vimeo.com/262090707/cb54e22941